Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Santarem (Part 2)

Santarem (April 8)

If you're going to Fatima and you have an extra morning to spare, Santerm is a must! Not for the town. In fact, I didn't spend any time in the town, but for a Eucharistic miracle.

Dating back to the thirteen century, this is one of the oldest Eucharistic miracles on record. It happened when a woman went to receive communion, but took the host out of her mouth to give to a fortune teller in return for a favor. But when she tried to leave the church with the host, it began to bleed profusely, so much so, that parishioners thought she had cut her hand. Frightened and confused, she ran home and threw the bloody host into a trunk. In the middle of the night, a strange light began to eminate from the trunk and she repented of her plan, adored the host, and returned the host to the parish priest. The priest placed the host in a wax container and inside a tabernacle.

Another miracle occured when the priest opened the tabernacle to find the wax encasing gone, and the host situated inside a crystal pyx. It was then placed in a silver monstrance where it can be seen today.

And guess what! I saw it, yes I did. In the crystal pyx. You can see the blood and the host perfectly clear. What is even more amazing, is you can get two inches from it. So many times, things like this are far away, so you can barely make them St. Catherine's head. But you can go behind the altar, climb up some stairs, and look right at it - just as the literature I read about it describes.

I was so surprised by this access that I could barely gather myself in order to say a few prayers. Truly awesome.


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