Cruel, Cruel Irony
UCLA is playing in the championship of the NCAA tonight!!!
My Bruins are in the championship and I'm in another country and I can't watch it! Well, no matter, go Bruins! I will be eight-clapping from afar!
We are the mighty sons of Westwood
And we hail the Blue and Gold
True to thee our hearts will be
Our love will not grow cold
Bruins roam the hills of Westwood
By the blue Pacific shore
And if by chance we see, a man from USC
Every Bruin starts to roar...
U-C-L-A . . . U-C-L-A
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Go Bruins. Go Bruins. Go Bruins.

We are the mighty sons of Westwood
And we hail the Blue and Gold
True to thee our hearts will be
Our love will not grow cold
Bruins roam the hills of Westwood
By the blue Pacific shore
And if by chance we see, a man from USC
Every Bruin starts to roar...
U-C-L-A . . . U-C-L-A
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Go Bruins. Go Bruins. Go Bruins.
Hi Honey Lump,
I just read your blog for an hour. I am overwhelmed. I am mostly impressed that you've had the discipline to keep writing, but then again, you are quite the writer =o)
I can't write too much because I have some (lots) of stuff to read for my evening class with hildebrand--quiz, quiz, quiz. But I am so happy that you've had memorable journey, that your angels have been watching over you, that you have have delighted in the David, that you've eaten hella good food, and that you've had friends to share it all with. I do lament the poopy weather and sketchy men, but what would traveling be without them??
I love you and will write soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Mary Ann.
PS. GO UCLA! I'll be cheering for your team
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