Dancing in the Halls of Academia

Apple in hand, Nicole celebrates the exciting prospect of an evening of higher learning. (Either that or the girl has had one too many espressos.)
It hit me as we were sitting in class today that we are actually here to study theology. Other than fighting our way through the mounds of paperwork that make up the unwelcoming castles of Italian bureaucracy, we really havent had much to do. Why dost thou exaggerate, you say? If only you understood how hard it is to get a Questa di Sojourno. Italians make you do a lot of work in order to make sure you really really want to stay in their country, before they give you that little piece of paper that keeps you out of prison.
Anyway, back to the subject of classes. As it turns out, the only thing Italians are on time about over here is breaktime. That suits us just fine, as we get a sweet little break in the middle of class...just enough time to run over to the school's bar and take a little shot, be it espresso or Daniels, whatever suits your fancy. Gotta love the European lifestyle.
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